Connecting the Dots Podcast (November 2, 2023 36 min 15 sec)
Dr. Steven J. Spear (DBA MS MS)
Principal, HVE LLC
Sr. Lecturer, MIT Sloan School
Sr. Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Creator, See to Solve Gemba and Real Time Alert Systems
[email protected] www.SeeToSolve.com [email protected]
Knowing how to get smarter about what you do and better at doing it, faster than
How so? All organizations share a challenge. They’re trying to coordinate people—sometimes a few, sometimes many thousands—towards shared purpose, somewhere on the spectrum from upstream conceptualization and discovery, through development, design, and ultimately delivery. The problem is, particularly at the start of any undertaking, no one really knows what to do, how to do it, nor can they do it well. All that has to be invented, created, discovered…figured out.
So, those who solve problems faster, win more. After all, if your team and mine chase similar goals (or we face off as adversaries), you succeed (or win) because you come to your moments of test better prepared than I do.
Since knowhow and skills are not innate, you won because you solved your problems, better and faster than I did mine, gaining edges in relevance, reliability, resilience, and agility.
And don’t forget to order Steve’s latest book, Wiring the Winning Organization.