Compressing Feedback Cycle Times to stay on Target and Maintain Internal SynchronizationSummary: How do ensure that the organizations of which we are part succeed? Fast, frequent, and often fine-grained feedback to keep our collective effort on track and to keep our individual efforts … [Read more...] about How to keep from going off track and out of whack: feedback – fast, frequent, and fine grained
Succeeding in periods of abrupt change …
In May 1942, the Imperial Japanese Navy's leadership may well have been imagining the celebrations and accolades to be showered on them in the coming weeks. They had (what they must have thought was) a fantastic plan of surprise attack at Midway Island, the coup de grâce follow up to the devastation … [Read more...] about Succeeding in periods of abrupt change …
How do you get speed in technology intensive, engineering heavy situations?
Slow down (in development) to go fast (in deployment and production). Local experience gives example to this point and might provide insight to the many of use trying to develop and deliver value at speed. (Boston Globe article and white paper).The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority ("MBTA") … [Read more...] about How do you get speed in technology intensive, engineering heavy situations?
Remembering Paul O’Neill
The Honorable Paul O’Neill, former CEO of Alcoa and 72 nd Secretary of the Treasury passed away last weekend. He’ll be eulogized fairly and enthusiastically for his stewardship of Alcoa, which enjoyed huge success during his tenure, and for his public outspokenness during and about … [Read more...] about Remembering Paul O’Neill
Willingness to Seek Bad News: Key leadership skill for crisis management…
The suppression of bad news, when consequential, is easy to decry. Yet, doing so is more common than we care. Understanding its source and overcoming its occurrence is key to having enterprise dynamics supportive of agility, resilience, and reliability and ultimately great performance. (a version of … [Read more...] about Willingness to Seek Bad News: Key leadership skill for crisis management…
Learning from the Wright Brothers: How fast and frequent experimentation led to first in flight
“ The best dividends on the labor invested have invariably come from seeking more knowledge rather than more power. ” – Orville and Wilber WrightQuoted in The Wright Brothers , David McCullough, 2015.While celebrated for achieving the first powered flight of a heavier-than-air, person carrying … [Read more...] about Learning from the Wright Brothers: How fast and frequent experimentation led to first in flight